Blog posts


A few set of news, back from holydays break…

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  • We are organizing the 30th birthday of our lab, the Adhesion and Inflammation Lab, on the 3-4/10/24. A nice set of seminars and discussions will take place !

ANR Criticality is starting !

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Our ANR Criticality starts on March 1st, for four years, with J Husson, P Pierobon and D Gonzalez-Rodriguez…

Congrats compadres !

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Congrats to our collaborators who won a price for their research and development of a new proof of a test for papillomavirus !

Welcome Cristel

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We are very pleased to welcome Cristel Al Sarrouh, from the BioInfo Master of AMU. She will work with us for her internship, around IA and text scraping !


Next project : ANR Criticality

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A short reminder : our project, with J. Husson, P. Pierobon and D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, has been funded by ANR and will start in March 2024. 3 PhD positions will be avalaible… stay tuned !

Immunobiophysics Online Seminar Series

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The website of the Immunobiophysics Seminar Series and Workshops has been updated, with the next seminar (S. Veatch) and the future ones !

Out of Twitter

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Exit from there, delete account…

AFM news : bye NW1, welcome NW 4XP !

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We just received and installed (thanks Max from JPK/Bruker) a Nanowizard 4XP which replaces our good old friend Nanowizard 1… A new tool to augment our panoply of mechanobiology tools… First tests are on the way !

A new article accepted !

1 minute read


Our work on T cell /optical tweezers has just been accepted in Sci. Rep.