A few set of news, back from holydays break…

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  • We are organizing the 30th birthday of our lab, the Adhesion and Inflammation Lab, on the 3-4/10/24. A nice set of seminars and discussions will take place !

  • In november, we will go to Cancun, Mexico, then Mexico City, for a set of two conferences sessions. In Cancun, we are invited to give a talk about biophysics of immune cells, by the International Cell Biology Society, and in Mexico, we are organizing a week of seminars, discussions and demos in the frame of the BioPhysImmuno CNRS IRP… stay tuned !

  • In april 2025, we will go back to Les Houches, France, for an EMBO meeting on Immunobiophysics… our baby grows well for his third evolution, with new chairs (K. Spillane, UK ; B. Treanor, CAN) and we are now more peacefully OC members :)

  • Look for the new set of Immunobiophysics seminar series… stay tune on the related website !

  • We start a new project with F. Brochard and P. Nassoy… something like soft matter in cartoons…

  • New side stuff: changing modus operandi and techniques, we go for oil painting, but with water solvant ! It is called Cobra, from Talens…