Research topics

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Main projects, supported by students, grants, …

  • Early T cell mechanotransduction with P. Pierobon, Cochin, J. Husson, LaDHyX, D. Gonzalez, Metz Univ.
  • T cell mechanostransduction & cholesterol with Y. Hamon, CIML, Marseille
  • Lymphocyte early biophysical activation with K. Sengupta, CINaM, L. Limozin, LAI
  • Toxoplasma & Eimeria mechanics and adhesion, with A. Dumetre, Pharmacy Univ., Marseille —
  • Antibody recognition, with L. Limozin, Inserm U1067, Marseille
  • CNRS IRP FR/MEX BioPhysImmuno on “Adhesion and mechanics in fibrosis, lymphocyte/cancer or lymphocyte/APC interactions”, with M. Hautefeuille, Sorbonne Univ. & T.Fioderlisio-Colle, UNAM, Mexico City, L. Limozin, LAI, K. Sengupta, CINAM —

News ideas & new techniques are coming…